Upper and Lower Plane Imbalance is the amount of weight required to correct for both static and couple imbalance of the tire as described earlier.
Tire and Automotive manufacturers set limits on the acceptable values of static, couple and per plane imbalance forces to assure good ride quality and customer satisfaction. The AkroDYNE® Truck Tire Dynamic Balance System provides for the measurement, grading, marking and sorting of tires to meet these requirements.
The AkroDYNE® Truck Tire Dynamic Balance System is a fully automatic machine used for 100% tire checking in production. It can automatically adjust to different tire widths and test conditions while processing a variety of tires with various bead diameters (adapter dependent), outside diameters, section widths, and weights. These features make the AkroDYNE® Truck Tire Dynamic Balance System a high up-time, high-throughput and ergonomically friendly machine.
Key technology for AkroDYNE® and AkroDYNE® Truck are by protected by the United States and International patents.