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  • TGIS FS Tire Geometry Inspection System for PCR, LTR, and TBR Tires +

    The TGIS FS Tire Geometry Inspection System with Micro-TechTM TrueViewTM Laser Sensor Technology is the most complete, flexible, and efficient solution for measuring finished tire surfaces for bulges, dents, and other anomalies that may affect tire appearance and/or performance.

    The TGIS FS has been simplified to eliminate the need for sensor positioning and set-up for every tire type tested. Three TrueViewTM sensors are positioned at fixed locations to measure each sidewall and the tread surface. Utilizing identical TrueViewTM sensors for the upper lateral, lower lateral, and radial sensors reduces the spare parts stocking requirements from three to one.

  • Features +

    TGIS FS offers flexible software packages tailored for varying levels of measurement detail:

    • Full track scans the tread surface and each sidewall and presents the results for user defined test regions.
    • Decoration & Lettering Removal (DLR) software eliminates patterns and mold engravings to measure only the underlying tire surface. Full sidewall scan regions are set and detected automatically.
    • Image Storage captures scanned images efficiently for use in other aspects of the process to advance analytical capabilities and/or to record quality control data permanently.

    Additional features include:

    • Built-in lens protection (shutters)
    • Enhanced diagnostic capabilities
    • Retrofits to Uniformity and Balance Machines

    As part of the Micro-TechTM family of control and software products, the new TrueViewTM laser sensor from Micro-Poise® has the largest measurement area and field of view, faster scanning rates, and higher resolution than similar sensors on the market.

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