Designed to meet Micro-Poise's Modular Tire Measurement Systems (MTMS) comprehensive final finish marking requirements, AkroMARK Plus yields NO CYCLE TIME INCREASE when installed with an MTMS final finish line.
QUICK MAINTENANCE is a key feature designed into the unique print head.
AkroMARK Plus™ fits on the exit station for the ASTEC® PLUS tire uniformity machine or the AkroDYNE® dynamic balance machine and is fully integrated with each system. AkroMARK Plus™ can be retrofitted and integrated into other manufacturers tire testing lines.
AkroMARK Plus™ produces a high grade permanent foil mark required of OE tire manufacturers to meet their discerning customer requirements. Tire marking is used to identify tire testing results for uniformity, dynamic balance and other final finish tests. Marks may be used to identify tire grade, high or low points of radial force variation, or other specific measurements.
Up to SIX PINS with varying shapes and up to FOUR COLORS in tape cartridges provide the final finish test engineer with the flexibility to select multiple combinations of colors and marks when grading tires.