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AkroDYNE® Automatic Rim Changer (ARC)

  • AkroDYNE® ARC +

    The AkroDYNE Automatic Rim Changer is specifically designed for use with the AkroDYNE Dynamic Balance System.  The AkroDYNE ARC performs tooling changes in a quick and efficient manner, without physical lifting or operator intervention.  AkroDYNE ARC performs both full automatic tooling change and operator managed tooling change.

  • Features include: +

    • The system allows automatic change of three unique sets of up to three-step rims.
    • Automatic loading and retrieval of rims to and from the storage system and the balance spindle.
    • Automatic locking and unlocking of rims from the balance spindle.
  • Brochures +